Gütt, S.
„Large pores – apparatus and preparative measures“. Beauty Forum, 1:2020
Gütt, S.
„Treatment methods for large-pored skin“, Beauty Forum Swiss 02/03:2020
Gütt, S.
„Cosmetic active ingredients – Trends 2020“. Beauty Forum, 8:2020
Gütt, S.
„Ingredients in the Medical Beauty Segment“. Beauty Forum Medical, 8:2020
Gütt, S.
Beauty Forum Edition Austria, 2:2020
Güt, S.
Gütt, S
First Class Beauty. Beauty Forum, 8:2019
Gütt, S.
Reduction of the pH-value – treatment approach for wound healing and aged skin. Kosmetik International, 11:134-36, 2019
Gütt, S.
The connection between skin physiology and microbiome. Kosmetik International, 3: 158-160, 2019
Gütt, S.
Preferred combinations. The right treatment mix for selected skin conditions. Kosmetik International Suisse, 5: 56-59, 2018
Gütt, S.
Environmental pollution and its consequences for the human skin. Kosmetik International, 8: 126-128, 2018
Gütt, S.
Anti-Pollution: Product and Treatment Concepts. Kosmetik International, 9: 160-162, 2018
Gütt, S.
Useful information about chemical peeling. medical skin care. buyers & suppliers guide, 62-67, Edition 2018/19
Gütt, S.
The cutaneous immune system: current state of knowledge. Kosmetik International Suisse, 6: 58-61, 2018
Gütt, S.
The cutaneous microbiome. The skin – a protective organ populated by germs. Kosmetik International, 2: 139-41, 2018
Gütt, S.
The correct treatment mix for selected skin types, Kosmetik International: 10: 152-55, 2017
Gütt, S.
Skin Pigmentation – Regulation by Active Ingredients, Kosmetik International: 9: 141-42, 2017
Gütt, S.
Ecosystem of the skin – a world apart. CARE, 4: 38-41, 2017
Gütt, S.
Skin – Difference in type, structure and aging. Kosmetik International, 12: 117-119, 2017
Gütt, S.
Skin Pigmentation – Regulation by Active Ingredients, Kosmetik International: 9: 141-42, 2017
Gütt, S.
Cosmetic Treatment Concepts for Men. Ästhetische Dermatologie und Kosmetologie, 2: 2-5, 2017
Gütt, S.
The proteasome – intracellular quality control. Kosmetik International, category medical cosmetic, 4: 140-42 2017
Gütt, S.
Innovative Active Ingredients. Beauty Forum, 3: 84-86, 2017
Gütt, S.
Biomimetic – what does it mean? CARE, 1: 68-69, 2017
Gütt, S.
Fruit acids – mode of action. Medical Beauty Forum, 5: 56-59, 2016
Gütt, S.
Effective beautification. Beauty Forum Edition Swiss, 9:42-45, 2016
Gütt, S.
Sustainable beautiful skin. Beauty Forum, 7:56-58, 2016
Gütt, S.
Modern beauty equipment. SPA Inside, 3: 2016
Gütt, S.
Sun Protection. Medical Beauty Forum, 1:56-59, 2016
Gütt, S.
Invasion of sensitive skin, Kosmetik International, 9:154-158, 2015
Gütt, S.
Role of pH Management for skin care. Kosmetik International, 5, 2015
Cellulite – scientific update.
Kosmetik International Swiss, 2:20-25, 2014
Gütt, S.
Cellulite – scientifique update. Kosmetik International, 3:48-53, 2014
Gütt, S.
Skin Menu. Medical Beauty, 10:6-7, 2013
Gütt, S.
Skin Lightener for treating discoloration. Kosmetik International, 9: 18-21, 2013
Gütt, S.
Skin Care during menopause. Kosmetik International, 8: 16-18, 2013
Gütt, S.
Treatment of seborrhoic skin. Kosmetik International, 5:24-27, 2013
Gütt S.
Rosacea. Kosmetik International 8: 20-24, 2012
Gütt, S.
Treatment of seborrheic skin. Kosmetik International. 3: 32-34, 2012
Gütt, S.
Post-operative Treatment. Medical Beauty Forum 1: 30-32, 2011
Gütt, S.
Facelift: Pre- and Post-Treatment. Medical Beauty Forum 1: 22, 2011
Gütt, S.
Product Concepts for Sensitive Skin. Medical Beauty Forum 2: 50-52, 2011
Gütt, S.
Anti-Aging. Kosmetik International, 4: 36-40, 2010
Gütt, S.
How to master Acne. Kosmetik International, 8: 16-18, 2008
Gütt, S.
Stratum corneum – cleverly devised defence system. Kosmetik International, 3: 68-74, 2008
Gütt, S.
Cosmetic actives for Skin Regeneration, Happy Aging, 5-9, 2008
Gütt, S.
Microdermabrasion Step by Step, Part 2, Beauty Forum, 1, 2005
Gütt, S.
Skin Regeneration: Microdermabrasion. Ästhetische Dermatologie, 1:32-35, 2005
Gütt, S.
Microdermabrasion for skin regeneration. Kosmetische Praxis, 28-30, 2004
Gütt, S.
Microdermabrasion Step by Step, Beauty Forum, 12, 2004
Gütt, S.
Anti-Aging Cosmetic. Happy Aging, 4, 2004
Gütt, S.
Skin regeneration. Ästhetische Dermatologie, 6: 42-43, 2004
Gütt, S.
Skin regeneration. Kosmetische Praxis 10: 28-30, 2004
Gütt, S.
Photo toxic reaction of drugs. Kosmetische Praxis, 6: 12-13, 2004
Gütt, S.
Influence of medication on skin. Kosmetische Praxis, 4: 8-10, 2004
Gütt, S.
Collagen – Biomaterial for the Future. Kosmetik International Magazin, 4, 2003
Gütt, S.
Professional Perspectives. Further Education at College. Kosmetik International Magazin 2: 90-94, 2002
Gütt, S.
Professional Perspectives. Further Education at the University. Kosmetik International Magazin 1: 50-54, 2002
Gütt, S.
Biotechnology – Innovative Concepts. Kosmetik International Magazin 11: 134-135, 2000
Gütt, S.
Biotechnology – Source of new active agents. Kosmetik International Magazin 10: 80-83, 2000
Gütt, S.
Cellulite. Womens Net, 8: 22, 2000
Rimpler, M., Lemke, S.
Cellulite, Part 2: Minimizing trauma. TW Dermatologie 25: 32-43, 1995
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Aged skin – compensating for lipid loss. Beauty Forum 11: 8-10, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Wrinkles, scaling, dryness. Beauty Forum 10: 30-32, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Aged skin – a matter of moisture loss. Beauty Forum 9: 16-20, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN: Angiectasia – Causes and Treatments Beauty Forum 7: 19-22, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. When blood vessels show weaknesses. Beauty Forum 6: 55-58, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Diagnosis for Cellulite. Kosmetik International Magazin 6: 24-27, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Sensitive Skin – Avoiding irritation. Beauty Forum 4: 30-32, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Cellulite – Not destiny but a challenge for cosmetologically self-treatment. Haut 3: 26-30, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Heightened skin reactions. Beauty Forum 3: 64-66, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Treatment for Sebostase. Beauty Forum 1: 28-32, 1994
Rimpler, M., Lemke, S.: Cellulite, Part 1: What causes Cellulite? Pathogeneses and Foundations for therapeutic measures. TW Dermatologie 5: 313-320, 1994
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Sebostase – Fat and Moisture. Deficiency Beauty Forum 12: 26-30, 1993
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Seborrhea – determined by the sebaceous glands. Beauty Forum 10: 32-36, 1993
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. Cleansing – Foundation for skin care. Beauty Forum 9: 27-31, 1993
Rimpler, M.; Lemke, S.
Further education SKIN. No analysis, no treatment. Beauty Forum 8: 14-16, 1993
Kosmetik 1, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2012
Kosmetik 2, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2012
Hair & Beauty, Lernfelder 10 und 11, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2009
Hair & Beauty, Fachkunde 2, Lernfelder 10 und 11/3, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2009
Kosmetik: Pflegen, Massieren, Dekorieren, Band 2.2, Fachbuch für die Berufsfachschule, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2007
Kosmetik: Pflegen, Massieren, Dekorieren, Band 2.1, Fachbuch für die Berufsfachschule, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2006
Kosmetik: Beurteilen, Reinigen, Pflegen – Band 1, Fachbuch für die Berufsfachschule, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2005